Welcome to my first newsletter!

Warm greetings to you! This is a new venture for me, a way to reach out and share information around our mental health, also ways to manage how we take care of ourselves.  There are times when we don’t realise that we are not doing ourselves any favours. I will share with you, areas I personally have experienced, also traits that I notice as a therapist. This is my way of informing you and allowing you to make an informed decision, around seeking support for your mental health. Take some time to read the following and reflect on your life, see if you can relate.

Inconsistency is a behaviour pattern I witness from time to time, within my work as a Counsellor / Psychotherapist. I’ve decided to use this as a topic for my first newsletter, as I believe it may help you, the reader, to identify yourself, or someone you know.  I know this behaviour all too well, which is another reason for me to share this with you.

I recently decided to commit myself more to my therapy tasks, such as admin, training, and hobbies, rather than scrolling on my phone and watching mindless TV programmes.  To begin with, it was a challenge, as my attention span was short. I decided to schedule time in my diary to ensure I got on with what I wanted to do. This is working a treat.  My attention span has also improved, in quiet a short space of time! By prioritising myself, I am managing to get through my to do list a lot easier. Being consistent encourages me to get on. I am creating a new habit, which in time will override my old habit.

If we think back to something we have learnt, maybe in our youth. Learning to ride a bike, learning to swim, even those maths tasks in school. Remember Algebra? We would have had to put in the effort to learn those skills, until we got to grips with which ever we struggled with. Now it’s the same for therapy, attending sessions regularly, to see and feel, positive changes taking place within ourselves. Life changing the majority of the time!  Imagine being able to work through your anxiety, depression, loneliness, sadness etc.  You will have the opportunity to explore your thoughts & feelings and why you behave this way. When we leave long gaps between sessions, it will feel as though we are starting from scratch, each time we return. The tools you learn in sessions, will not override your usual habits, unless you are consistent. Attend sessions and commit to practice your tools in-between sessions.

Learning to riding a bike is a great example. We begin with two stabilisers attached to our rear wheels. You will wobble at first, even fall over, it happens! We can’t be expected to get it right from the start! These wobbles, falls, and scrapes are all part of the processes.  Once we get to grips with what we need to do, we can remove maybe one stabiliser, keep practicing until we can remove them both. Once at this stage we can ride confidently wherever we want to go! This is essentially a part of therapy. When you commit to therapy, attend each week, we will explore your issues, and gain an insight into the way you think and behave in certain circumstances.  You will learn valuable tools, that you can implement into your daily life and start the process of you becoming a happier you!  This is not always as straightforward, as with learning to ride your bike.  There may be times when you wobble, or things don’t go as you would like them to! See me, your therapist, as your stabilisers, supporting and assisting you, until your new way of thinking and behaving, becomes second nature.

As your Counsellor / Psychotherapist, I will provide you with a safe, warm, and confidential space, to learn the tools that will make your world a happier place to be.   Make the commitment, to become the best version of you that you can be. Commit to a consistent routine, your mental health will thank you for it.

To begin to learn how best to improve your mental health, simply send me an email to angela@angelaeastmondtherapy.co.uk reply to this email.

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