
Loneliness Quite apt at this time of year!! Loneliness can be experienced at any time within our lives. I have previously written a small piece around this subject, located within my introductory page on my website. https://angelaeastmondtherapy.co.uk Loneliness is a feeling that affects our physical and emotional wellbeing, which impacts our daily lifestyle, making day […]
Welcome to my first newsletter!

Warm greetings to you! This is a new venture for me, a way to reach out and share information around our mental health, also ways to manage how we take care of ourselves. There are times when we don’t realise that we are not doing ourselves any favours. I will share with you, areas I personally have […]

I decided to write my blog today around inconsistency. Since starting out in private practice, as a Counsellor / Psychotherapist, I have had clients that will book to attend sessions, seeking help and support for their mental health. Now this can be for a host of reasons, such as work-related issues, anxiety, depression, not […]
Seeking Therapy

Counselling & Psychotherapy is available for those who may be feeling low, have anxiety, depression, or other forms of mental health issues, that are affecting your daily life. You may be unable to sleep, finding it difficult to function at work, or not want to do those activities you used to love to do, such […]